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So you can do a lot of pirouettes and can balance in



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Q: Why do you need balance in ballet?
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Related questions

What do you need to beable to do ballet?

You need to be very physically fit, be physically flexible and have good balance. You will need ballet shoes, and it would also be a really good idea to enter ballet school to get taught properly how to perform ballet.

What are some of the uses of a ballet bar in an introductory ballet class?

In an introductory ballet class, a ballet bar is used primarily for stretching and keeping balance. While newcomers to ballet are still honing their skills, they may need assistance using the bar.

Why is balance needed in a ballet dance?

Balance is necessary in Ballet because if you would like to hold a move you can and you will not look so wonky on stage or in presence. Also so the dancer does not fall over.

What activities use balance?

gymnastics, ballet

Is it bad for you if you do ballet and gymnastics?

No because ballet is very good for gymnasts. It improves their balance and agility.

Where and by whom is ballet practiced?

Ballet is practiced by dancers for balance and technique.It is also performed by dance studios.

Why do you us ballet bars?

For balance while you are stretching.

What is harder football or ballet?

It depends on what you are good at. If you have exceptional balance, and are a light person, football will be harder. If you are a heavier, strong, person who does not have good balance, you will find ballet is harder.

How does ballet benift you?

Ballet has benifted me by helping me sit, and stand up straighter.also it helps with balance if your very off balance you will see a change after at least 3 months.

What fitness components does ballet require?

In ballet you need to have good posture and verrrrry good balance. You should also have good stamina but if you don't it will come if you take classes. It is also a must to have good co-ordination.

Does Tony Romo take ballet?

Yes Almost all the football players take ballet to fun balance and steadiness

What are the ballet step?

Some very common ballet steps are arabesque, balance, assemble. These are all French and may have accents.