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Well, Ballet dancing had many types of different costumes.

There's tutus and dresses with flow bottoms, and sometimes people even use pants that look like a body suit but they are very flowy.

But if you are the choreographer you may decide what costume to use. There is no specific traditional type of ballet costume. Just make sure its not something outrageous and crazy because that brings the focus away from the beautiful dance we call ballet.

Men usually wear tights and either shirtless or a plain simple shirt on. They may even wear a tunic. Once again, nothing crazy because that brings the focus away from the beautiful dance moves that you choreographed.

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Q: What type of costume is used in ballet?
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There really is no one traditional costume for ballet. It depends on what you are doing. If you are in a show, the most common traditional costume would be a tutu and bodice, or a knee-length flowy layered dress with long sleeves.

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Ballet is classic! Its a beautiful dance that is timeless, ballet is a type of dance that has basic proper moves but those moves can be used in a more modern way. Ballet styles change with the period.

Why is ballet preformed today?

Ballet is classic! Its a beautiful dance that is timeless, ballet is a type of dance that has basic proper moves but those moves can be used in a more modern way. Ballet styles change with the period.

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