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An exercise in which the working leg is raised from the hip into the air and brought down again, the accent being on the downward movement, both knees straight. This must bedone with apparent ease, the rest of the body remaining quiet. The function of grands battements is to loosen the hip joints and turn out the legs from the hips. Grands battements can be taken devant, derrière and à la seconde.

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Q: What is a grand battement?
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Related questions

How do you do a grand battement on pointe without the barre?

pull in and up and keep your weight in the middle

How do you use battement in a sentence?

The ballet performer performed the battement in the performance. This is a sentence containing the word battement.

What can go wrong with a grand battement?

Many things can go wrong with a grand battement. Dancers make it look so easy but if you were to not be strong on your supporting foot, you could easily fall and hurt yourself. this could happen with other steps as well. That is one of the many reasons they use a barre.

What is a grand battement in ballet?

basically its a kick in ballet. a grande battematte is a very high, yet graceful kick into the air

What is the DVD for grade 4 ballet?

These are some of the dance steps: adage, arabesque, battement tendu, grand battement, port de bras, rond de jambe, sissonne, sissonne en avant, sobresaut, and a feet position, turnout.

Give you some sample ballet words?

some ballet words would be arabesque, devant, fondu, grand battement, glissade, jeté

What is a battement?

A battement is a ballet move consisting of a beaten action with an extended leg.

What are the ratings and certificates for Battement de coeur - 1940?

Battement de coeur - 1940 is rated/received certificates of: West Germany:16

What is a battement tendu?

It means beating stretched

What does Grand Battement mean in ballet terms?

Grand battement starts in third or fifth position with the arms depending on the direction of the leg (forwards, backwards or sideways). You swish the leg off the floor to approximately 90 degrees, but it depends on your flexibility. You have to keep your body and both legs very straight, and on he way down control the leg so it does not 'plonk' back down onto the floor. You then close the working leg back in and return to the starting position.

What is a battement degage?

If you know what a degage is, then you know that it is a move where you brush your foot against the floor and then let it come of the floor. Picture it as an airplane on a runway. The air plane takes of by driving on the ground (in this case brushing your foot on the floor) and then the plane lifts off (the foot leaves the floor and goes into the air). This is almost the same thing as a battement degage, except when your leg lifts off the ground in a degage, it normally stays at most a half foot off the ground. In a battement degage, however, the legs is thrown into the air, many feet of the ground. Many well-trained ballerinas can kick their head with their leg in a battement degage. Ballet dancers usually just call a battement degage a battement for short.

How do you say I like the beat in french?

j'aime le battement