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It is when your foot is turned out in back right behind your ankle and only your heel touches.

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Q: What does coupe mean in form of ballet?
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What happens to your toes in pointe ballet shoes?

Don't mean to scare to you but if you wear ballet shoes a lot then your feet will become all blistery and cuts will form.

What does ballet mean in spanish?

Ballet in Spanish is actually the same "Ballet"

What is turn in ballet in mean?

if you mean what is a turn in ballet called? it is a pirouette.

What is the step of the horse in ballet?

it is pas de cheval start in fifth, go through coupe and out to tendue or degage

How ballet is played?

Ballet isn't played, it is a form of dance.

What is a ballet?

A ballet is a classical form of dance, or a theatrical performance of such a dance, usually with music and in the form of a story.

Who was ballet resurrected by?

I am not sure what you mean by "resurected" as ballet was never dead in the first place, however if you are refering to the entrance of ballet to mainstream culture,King Louis the Fourtenth held the worlds first ballet school and did much to devlope the dance form. This is why Ballet termanoligy is in french, not italian, even though the rough concept of ballet came from italy.

Is ballet a famous event in Russia?

Ballet is not an event, it is an art form. A specific ballet performance is an event.

How is ballet represented?

Ballet is an art form and a sport all in one.

What does La Fete du Ballet mean?

Either the ballet celebration or the ballet festival

What does releve mean in ballet?

Releve means to rise in ballet.

Which dance form is called ballet of east?

Manipuri is called ballet of the east.