No, it is not. But many people feel that because now it is ushelly girls who join. It used to be in Russia that only guys would join, there would be few girls. It was also the two greatest honor was for your kid to be- in the Russian army, or- to be in Russian Ballet. It's legit. plus, it takes alot of strenght and endurance. Many girls are scared away by that fact after the try it. Also, many football players do it to build up their muscles because they take the same muscles. And I would just like to pointe out- ballet is tecnically not a sport. It's harder. :)
It depends on who you are talking to. Some people do consider it a sport and some dont.
Ballet is not considered a sport. If you think about it, only sports are in the Olympics. Ballet is an art.
ballet=====dance fencing======sport
Girls do tend to do ballet more when they are younger, but once people get older, more men tend to do ballet.
Although people may think of ballet as a sport, surprisingly and technically dance is a performing art, not a sport. However, dance as well as specifically ballet requires energy, you also have to make it look easy and flawless, which makes it harder than all sports. This is because dance and ballet is not done to win but to become stronger and entertain. Those who compete might be able to say it's a sport, however this isn't the primary idea of ballet. Ballet is generally known as an art form because of it's beauty and style, this is the same with many other styles of dance.
It can be for girls or boys, but some boys take ballet to help improve other sports.Answer:No, it is not a sport for girls. But many people feel that because now it is usually girls who join. It used to be in Russia that only guys would join, there would be few girls. It was also the greatest honor was for your kid to be- in the Russian army, or- to be in Russian ballet. It takes a lot of strength and endurance. Many girls are scared away by that fact after the try it. Also, many football players do it to build up their muscles. And I would just like to point out- ballet is technically not a sport. Is_ballet_a_girls_sport
It depends on who you are talking to. Some people do consider it a sport and some dont.
It depends how peaceful you are at it! But to give you a straight answer, ballet is peaceful. FYI ballet is a sport!
A lot of boys (and girls) play football. Girls do gymnastics, dancing and ballet. Other common sport are: hockey, tennis, volleyball and korfball.
Ballet is not considered a sport. If you think about it, only sports are in the Olympics. Ballet is an art.
ballet=====dance fencing======sport
Ballet is an art form and a sport all in one.
Girls do tend to do ballet more when they are younger, but once people get older, more men tend to do ballet.