

Why is ballet more of a girls sport?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It can be for girls or boys, but some boys take Ballet to help improve other sports.

Answer:No, it is not a sport for girls. But many people feel that because now it is usually girls who join. It used to be in Russia that only guys would join, there would be few girls. It was also the greatest honor was for your kid to be- in the Russian army, or- to be in Russian ballet. It takes a lot of strength and endurance. Many girls are scared away by that fact after the try it. Also, many football players do it to build up their muscles. And I would just like to point out- ballet is technically not a sport.


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Some girls take ballet to find more balance and gracefulness. Other regard it as a sort of beauty sport, which allows them to become more flexible. Some people think that doing ballet and dancing allows them to forget about their worries and to just let it all go.

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It depends on who you are talking to. Some people do consider it a sport and some dont.

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Well...most people assume more girls do ballet than guys (Unless you're a guy and go to an all guy ballet studio) but really, there's an almost even number.

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