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Yes it is but there are other main sports too. But i would have to say it kinda is.

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Q: In Brazil is soccer the main sport?
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Is soccer the main played port in Brazil?

Yes soccer is indeed the main sport of Brazil along with BBJ, Rugby,Tennis, and basketball.

What is the main sport is in Brazil?

Brazil SoccerBrazil Soccer TeamFamous players BrazilBrazil FootballBrazil PlayersBrazil BasketballFor the most part the answer is Soccer!

Is there a sport from Brazil?

Soccer is the most popular sport from Brazil.

Is soccer a famous Brazilian sport?

yes soccer is a famous sport in brazil

Why is soccer important to Brazil?

Yes soccer is important in Brazil, their most popular sport.

What soccer league is Brazil in?

Brazil are no a club level team, therefore they play internationaly

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Is soccer Brazil's national sport?

Yes, it is.