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"The shoes cause blisters, bunions, warts, hangnails, scuffs, cuts, scrapes, athlete's foot, additional pressure and strain on the feet, and the worst of all: IN GROWN TOENAILS. The pain is unbelievable. Ankles also tend to get twisted and sprained and those ribbons can cut off circulation.

And after your feet (but really, your whole body) has conditioned itself to pointework, when those shoes come off, it is a horrific sight! Thick calluses of the feet are good,insulation for the foot against the harsh uncomfortable enviorment of the pointe.

Taping the toes and gel inserts are also recommended. Some bleeding of the feet early on is to be expected. But aside from all that, the general role is "walk it off. Deal with it. No pain, no gain."

Those who say, "My feet are killing me" and have never put on a pair of toe shoes in their lives... don't know what the Hell they're talking about. They have no tolerance for discomfort and don't have the slightest idea of what true pain and sacrifice really is.


So get yourself tested. Get a professional opinion.

Good luck. Keep dancing. And hurting. Bleeding, even."

--Wishing You All The Luck with your Dancing, Career and Life, Dane Youssef

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Q: How do pointe shoes affect your feet?
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How do Pointe Shoes pollute the air?

Its not the shoes its the dancers feet

Can you do pointe with demi pointe shoes?

It is physically possible...BUT... do not do it. It can break toes, feet, and possibly mess up tendens and muscles in the process. It also hurts. If you want to go onto pointe then you need to buy a real pair of pointe shoes. They are usually cheaper online. NO! DO NOT TRY THIS! This can break your feet. Demi pointe shoes are for demi pointe. Pointe shoes are for pointe. ANSWER 2 Hi, Demi-pointe shoes are used so that you can experience the sensations of pointe shoes without going on pointe. THEY ARE NOT FOR GOING ON POINTE IN! If you are only wearing demi-pointe shoes then your instructor obviously does not feel you ankles are strong enough for pointe work yet. If you do this then you face the chance of never being able to go on pointe because you have damaged you feet. So stick to demi pointe shoes for demi pointe and wait a while until your ankles are strong enough to go on pointe! PS you should never go on pointe before you are 12 as research has shown that the joints etc. in your feet have not fully developed!

Can pointe shoes stunt your groth?

you shouldn't wear pointe shoes until your feet have stopped growing or it can damage the bone structure

Are your feet supposed to hurt in pointe shoes?

in the beginning, yes, your feet will hurt, but once you have broken in your pointe shoes they will start feeling like a second skin, and you will be able to practice and do pointe exercises more fluently and more easily.

Can Rihanna do ballet?

I sawed her on pointe shoes in umbrella but her feet were wrong why to do it. she had to make the position of her feet better. i have been on pointe shoes for 5 months and my dance teacher taught me alot about pointe shoes. The music video for All American Girl. was like that too. Carrie Underwood was wearing pointe shoes. Her feet were WRONG! So the answer to that question is no. you should not be on pointe shoes without a permission of a ballet teacher. you must get fitted for pointe shoes. you don't want to much gap and space inbetween. your shoes cant be big or small

What are the best pointe shoes for a girl with low arches and Egyptian toes?

i can rcommend the grishko 2007 pointe shoes. they work very well for all kinds of feet.

Is 10 too young for pointe?

Some would say yes, as your feet have not properly developed, so pointe shoes may cause harm to your feet

What is ballet called when it's not en pointe?

"En pointe" refers to dancing in pointe shoes. Non-pointe ballet shoes are demi-pointe shoes, and the dancing is "en demi-pointe".

Why does it hurt when you wear pointe shoes?

When your on pointe it shouldn't hurt if your feet are strong enough. It could be A: your feet aren't strong enough B: your pointe shoe isn't fitted correct Of course, if you mean pointED shoes it's because the shoe is crushing your toes together.

What is a demi-pointe?

Demi Pointe is a releve in flat shoes (Not Pointe Shoes). A releve is when you lift your heels and all that you are standing on is the balls of your feet and the bottoms of your toes. Hope that helps! :]

Do pointe shoes damage feet?

If worn and used properly then they shouldn't. When you do pointe for the first times you might get blisters and your feet will hurt, but there shouldn't be any permanant damage.

Is pointe bad for you in dance?

If you care for your feet and build the muscles in your feet (by doing dyna band exercises) before starting pointe you should not have a problem. However if your start pointe when you are still young it can hurt your feet. Typically pointe shoes can be worn starting around age 12.