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Q: Using three darts what is the lowest score you cannot get on a dart board?
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How many ways to make 50 using 3 darts on a dart board?

Why don't you figure it out.

What is the 2 basic equipment in playing darts?

dart board and darts

What is the highest score you cannot check out on in darts?

sorry the question should read "what is the lowest score you cannot check out on....oops"

What is the smallest number that cannot be scored with 2 darts on a standard dart board not including 0 or 1?

It's 103

What is the lowest possible score to end a game of darts?

2, the lowest double

What is the smallest number that cannot be scored with 2 darts on a standard dart board?

I am not sure but i think it is 1 or 0 1/0

What do you aim the darts at?

The Dart Board.

What is the Lowest number using 3 darts?

0 if all are missed or bounced out, otherwise 3 if all hit single one

Facilities and equipments of dart?

Facilities for darts are in may bars, pubs and clubs and there is 7-feet between the dart board and the toe line. The equipment needed for darts includes a numbered dart board and darts.

In the game of darts what is thrown at the board Darts or Arrows?

Darts (Arrows is a slang term for darts... somewhere, I'm told. I don't think I ever heard it here in the States.)

What is the smallest number that you can't score with 3 darts not including 1 in order to finish?

121 is wrong. It is not possible to get 119 with two darts so how can 121 be the lowest score you cannot get with two darts. A lot of people think it's 99 due to the fact that it's the lowest number for which you need 3 darts to finish. But they forget that a treble is allowed for the 2nd dart. (99 = T19,T14) Also 101 = Bull + Treble 17 The answer is 103.

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