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Cheerleading- Back Spot. Because im strong and I always pick people up when theyre down

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Q: If you could pick any sport and position within that sport to best describe your character?
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You could describe the scene by mentioning the character's physical reactions like gagging, retching, and the sound or smell of the vomit. Additionally, you could include the character's internal thoughts and feelings, such as embarrassment or discomfort, to add depth to the scene.

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"Wet boy" is a term used to describe a character from the SpongeBob SquarePants TV series. He is seen in the episode titled "The Sponge Who Could Fly" and is a character who mistakenly believed that he can fly.

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You may use any gemstone to describe a person. Here are some ideas:Use the colors - does your character have eyes green as emeralds or lips red as rubies?Use the physical properties of the stone - hard as diamond, sparkly as a gem, etc.Look up the meaning of some of the stones, and use those to describe the character.

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Your answer depends on your position within this structure. Where ever you occupy a position, you can look about and find ways to improve the process and the results.