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Five innings constitute a game of rounders

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Q: How many innings are there in a rounders match?
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In a test wicket match what is the most innings a side can have?

In a test match a bteam can have only two innings.

How many people in a danish rounders match?

3 on each team. just like in your mothers rounding match last night

How many innings in rounders?

Depending on how many people are playing and the skill level of the players it can last between an hour to more like 12 hours.

How many runs did Donald bradman make in last test match innings?

not enough

How many innings are played by each tem in ipl?

One inning per match

How many runs did sachin scores in his ist test innings?

Against Pakistan in his debut test match, he managed 15 in first innings and did not bat in 2nd.

What are innings in rounders?

there are many ways to use tactics in rounders one of which if hitting the ball backhand also looking for a space to hit the ball intowell that's a great question, well you need to throw the ball up straight up and touch dohy

How do you hit the ball in rounders?

How to Win a Game of Rounders Winning a game of Rounders means your team has scored the most points at the end of a predetermined number of innings (usually two). Note: Rounders game rules would award the victory to the team with the most Rounders (whole points) if the game ends in a tie.

Who are the players on a rounders match?

There are fielders batters backstops and bowlers.

Which team has the record of Highest innings total in Twenty20 Match?

Sri Lanka has the record of Highest innings total in Twenty20 Match. It was against Kenya in Sep.2007.

How many innings in a cricket test match?

Maximum innings in a test match can be 4 ,2 innings for each side.....Minimum is 1 innings which is only possible if side batting first keeps on batting and does not declares,but this is very very rare to occur.....Usually 4 innings ,2 for each side are easily played and the match usually ends with a usually i.e win or loss of a particular side.