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maybe, but u should just not waste your time on here and go ask a doctor!

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Q: What sports can you play with one kidney?
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Related questions

Why should a person with only one kidney avoid contact sports?

Contact sports, such as football and hockey, can damage the last remaining kidney, which will mean that that person will need a new kidney.

What happens if you donate a kidney?

One Kidney Works Fine. After donating a kidney in 2000, the physician's instructions were simple: do not play contact sports; avoid ibuprofen. The donor's remaining kidney enlarges over time and handles all the tasks previously handled by two kidneys. The donor should be able, after recovery, to resume normal activities and lifestyle.

What organs do you need to play sports?

I'm going to say all of them except you probably could make it with one kidney. Even in some rare cases 1 and a half feet.

What sports do they play in suriname?

One of the sports played is soccer.

What sports does Claire lyons play?

She did play Cheerleading but that ended. She doesn't do any sports other than that one time.

How many football players have only one kidney?

Due to health concerns, you cannot play football or any other contact sport with only one kidney. You are not going to be deemed healthy enough to play.

What is the difference between play and sports?

To play is to play anything, from imaginary games to sports to videogames. Sports are many games that range from one guy against another to teams against teams.

How do you impress a boy who is into sports?

Talk about the sports he plays or watches, also tell him what you like to play or even ask him if he could teach you how to play one of his sports of interest.

What is one of the sports that play for St Patrick's Day?

One of the sports played is Call Of Duty, can I get a thumbs up?

Can you play sports with a buckle fracture?

I have one and I have to say, It would be pretty hard to play sports. You still *might* be able to, but I wouldn't try it.

Why sports are good to play?

helps your heart is one thing

What do people play as sports in Italy?

Polo is the main one