Due to health concerns, you cannot play football or any other contact sport with only one kidney. You are not going to be deemed healthy enough to play.
A team may make 3 substitutions per match.
Can you show me pictures of 1920 college football players in the United States?
Football is the official name for soccer. Soccer comes from association football. Only in the USA and Canada do they say soccer. The global name for football is of course football. The global name for American football is gridiron. Gridiron is a code of handball and not football. Football is a sport where players control the ball with their feet and only football does this. Football has been played for many centuries but had no official rules. The british created rules for football in 1848. After that many codes of handball arose including rugger and gridiron, none of which are codes of football. Question asked by chickenman94
Well, it depends what you mean. Football players have alot more then 14 players, but only 11 are aloud on the field. Either laccrosse or soccer have 14 players to a team, i think.
Yes, I play football at the Pro level and there are many skilled position players as well as special teams players that only wear shoulder pads and helmets.. In practice we sometimes only wear shoulder pads and helmets we call it pro-pads we also wear this during training camp a lot and when we are not going to hit full speed.
In regular football the is only eleven players on the field.
Only two, me and you
In Arsenal there are only a few home players majority are French about 16 players are foreign.
who cares, only losers like them
Each team are allowed only 23 players.
Football players run more then baseball players.When football players score they get 6/7points.Baseball players get only 1/2/3/4points.
During one match 22 players can only play, with each team having 11 players only on the pitch.
The only player I know of is Brett Favre.
In Canadian football, while only 12* players are playing on the field at once, teams need more than just 12* players. They must have an offensive and defensive team. Most high school football teams have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string players, so thirty to forty players is a reasonable number. * only 11 in American football
Each team has 22 players. Only 18 can be on the field at any time.
You can have eleven on the pich, and five on the bench, but only three can play.
There can only be a maximum of 3 substitutions per game. Players cannot appear in the game twice.