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i only that football and soccer require boots

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Q: What percentage of sports require you to kick a ball?
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What sports do people in Israel play?

kick ball

What sports require co ordination?

Nearly all sports require some form of co-ordination. Co-ordination means being able to use you hands or any other part of your body in conjunction with something else. For example in tennis, you require hand-eye coordination, to time when the ball is coming and when to hit it. In soccer you require foot-eye coordination, to time when and where to kick the ball. There are no sports that I can think of that do not require some form of co-ordination. Even chess needs basic hand-eye. Hope that helped

Are sports too violent?

some times. In football they might kick a ball in someones face

What are some examples of sports that use force?

Badminton - Force required to hit the shuttlecock Tennis - Force required to hit the ball Football - Force required to kick the ball Rugby - Force required to throw/kick the ball

How does math affect sports?

because if your in football you would need the numbers how far or kick the ball if in golf you need to kown how far to hit the ball

What is the correct way to write rick has a ball will he kick it?

These are correct ways to write it:Rick has a ball. Will he kick it?Will Rick kick the ball he has?Will Rick kick his ball?I wonder if Rick will kick the ball he has?Since Rick has the ball, will he kick it?I hope these suggestions will help!

What does toe the ball mean?

"Toe the ball" is a phrase commonly used in sports, specifically in soccer or football. It refers to making contact with the ball using the toe or the front part of the foot. This technique is used to accurately pass or shoot the ball with precision.

What sports are hinge joints used for?

in football when your about to kick the ball you have to flex and extend your allows you to bend and straighten (flexion and extension) the joint, for example, when kicking a ball in football, you bend your leg in preparation and then straighten your leg to kick the ballyour hinge joint is used in foot ball when kicking the ball

How is the force in science related to the motion in sports?

well if you want to throw a ball, there is friction going against your ball. It is also the same with if you want to kick a football there is forces going against it to stop the ball.

What is it know as when the ball is to kick in mid air?

When you kick ball in the mid air, you are "punting" the ball.

What are some tips to kick the ball far in mat ball?

Lean back, point your left toe, if you are a righty, to where you want to kick the ball, and use your laces to kick the ball.

How you get a home run in a kick ball game?

kick the ball really far