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11 min - men

13 min - woman

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Q: What is the average time of running 1.5 miles indoor track?
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Related questions

How many miles in 14 laps on a regular indoor gym running track?

3 and a half because each lap is a quarter of a mile.

How long is an indoor running track?

Most indoor running tracks are 200M, some are also odd distances like 140 or 150M, but you will sometimes stumble upon indoor 400M tracks (They are pretty rare).

Are there any indoor jogging tracks in Cape Coral or Fort Myers, FL?

The Hyatt Regency has an indoor running track in Cape Coral.

How much running do you do in High School for Track and Field?

I'm a distance runner and I average around 40 miles per week.

What do you measure a track with?

if you are talking about a running track you measure it in meters. but a Nascar track is measured in miles.

In athletics what is the shortest running distance?

In indoor track and field, there is 50 meter dash, however, in outdoor track and field, 100 meter dash is the shortest.

What percentage of a running track is used for the 200 meter event?

An average running track is 400 meters, so 100 meters takes up 25% of the track.

How many miles around a running track 8 times?


How many miles are around a running track?

Just over a quarter mile

How many miles around is the Rose Bowl?

We actually drove around the rose bowl and used the car to track the miles, which was about 3.2 miles. If you're running the track, then it's almost exactly 3 miles.

Ratio for indoor times to outdoor track?

It is estimated that outdoor track is faster then indoor, however there is no set equation for this theory.

Can you bounce basketballs on a indoor track?

Depending on the type of material that is used for the indoor track, it is possible to bounce a basketball on the floor.