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Q: What is a average 5k time?
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What is an average 5K time?

20 minutes is an average tome for a 5k race.

What is an average time for a 5K for a 10 year old?

Around 30 mins.

What is average time to run a 5k?

guys: about 16:00 girls: about 22:00

Average time to finish 5 km run?

I did my first 5k today in 34mins.

How many miles is equivalent to 5k?

Five kilometers is equivalent to approximately 3.1 miles. An average time for an novice athlete to run a 5k would be thirty minutes (approximately ten minutes per mile).

Time it takes to run a 5k?

my fastest time is (im eleven) 25 mins and 22 secs. but the average time(for an adult) is between 30-40 mins. :)

Average 5k time for 48 year old?

I've been running 5k for around 6 eweks now (previously unable to run full 5k). I started out at 42 mins but now running 5k in 36.04. I'm still about 30 pounds over my desired weight so hope to improve further. Hope this helps.

How long should it take to run 5k?

If you're talking about the actual time it takes to physically run a 5k (and not how long it would take to train for one), it's about 30 minutes. 5k is around 3.1 miles, so if you average 10 minutes per mile, it's 30 minutes total.

Average time for a 5k run?

It can vary greatly based on age, gender, terrain, and condition (athlete vs. non-athlete). (Sanandraous) The average high school Cross Country time is between 21-23 mins with the fastest average at 15 min and slowest average at 28min

What is winning time for a 5k?

The fastest time recorded for the race.

Is running a 18 minute 5k good for 15 years old?

Yes, running a 5K in 18 minutes is a great time for a 15 year old. Congrats.I believe a 15 year old running a 5K in 18 minutes is excellent; competing time for a 5K is 19-20 minutes.

What is a good time for running a 5K with hills?
