my fastest time is (im eleven) 25 mins and 22 secs. but the average time(for an adult) is between 30-40 mins. :)
Run faster
If you're talking about the actual time it takes to physically run a 5k (and not how long it would take to train for one), it's about 30 minutes. 5k is around 3.1 miles, so if you average 10 minutes per mile, it's 30 minutes total.
When I ran my first 5k I took 45 minutes. I think around that time.
A 5K run is a distance of 3.11 miles.
guys: about 16:00 girls: about 22:00
I did my first 5k today in 34mins.
30 min
24:06 by Mayson Levandoski. RUN THRU THE RAPIDS 10-20-12 Official chip time . Not even close. Braden Griffin ran the Tulip Time 5K in 2013 with an official chip time of 21:01! see link:
5K Or for those that are metric impaired 3.1 miles
Practice practice practice. The more and longer you run, the better your 5k time will be.
3.1 miles