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Q: What are the skills striking throwing kicking and catching?
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what is the volleyball lead up game using catching and throwing skills called

What are the skills of rugby league?

Catching, Passing, Kicking, Tackling and Communication

What are the skills in foothball?

Have a great ability at catching and throwing and if your a QB a great throwing ability too.

What is Fundamental movement skills in sports?

Fundameantal movement skills in sports are ones such as jumping, kicking and catching.

What are basic skills in baseball game?

Hitting, fielding, throwing, catching

What are the basic skills in softball?

The basic skills in softball are, 1. Throwing(make sure you're able to do that otherwise there is no point of playing) 2. Hitting(It is something they should teach you if you play except for modified or jv) 3. Catching( one of the major techniques you need to know) 4. sliding(be able to do this if you do not slide to home it is an automatic out) 5. and playing your postion( this is not tough pay attention the toughest bases to play are all of them cuz 2nd you have cover both 1st and your own. shortstop you have to be able to catch that bog throw being made to you to get the stealer to 2nd out. 3rd you have to be able to make shapr turns and catch that throw from the catcher too.) There you have it your basic skills.!

Five skills you should have to compete in softball?

The 5 skills you should have are catching, throwing, batting, fielding and base running. Pitching is a specialized skill.

What is a sport using gross motor skills?

a sport using gross motor skills would be kicking a ball, throwing a ball, punching a punching bag and headbutting a ball. =)

What skills do you need for netball?

== == == == In Netball, you will need, running skills, catching skills, throwing skills, defending/intersecting skills, shooting skills, teamwork skills, dodging skills, footwork skills, good coordination and stopping skills. Your brain will also need to think fast.

What r the fundamental skills for throwball?

The fundamental skills for throwball include passing, catching, serving, attacking, and defending. Players must also have good hand-eye coordination, communication skills, and agility to succeed in the game. Practicing these skills regularly will help improve overall performance in throwball.

What is the difference between science process skills and manipulative skills?

Manipulative skills are skills that require the use of motor skills and tools, such as writing, kicking, bouncing or catching. Process skills are a way of learning and are essential in science. Observing, communicating, measuring, comparing, analyzing and predicting are all process skills.