Fundameantal movement skills in sports are ones such as jumping, kicking and catching.
The toughening phase develops foundational fitness and fundamental movement skills.
Fundamental movement skill development refers to the process of acquiring and mastering basic movement patterns such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching. These skills are essential for participating in physical activities and sports, and provide a foundation for more complex movement abilities later on. Developing these skills at a young age is important for promoting overall physical literacy and a lifelong involvement in physical activity.
fundamental, specialised, locomotor, non-locomotor and maipulative
The fundamental movement actions are walking, running, jumping, crawling, climbing, pushing, pulling, bending, and twisting. These actions are foundational to human movement and are essential for developing physical fitness and motor skills.
A fundamental movement skill would be throwing a ball, but a specialized movement skill would be considered throwing a baseball as a curve ball.
The purpose of the toughening phase is to develop foundational fitness and fundamental movement skills.
an action for fundamental movement
What means fundamental skills
The contemporary definition for "movement skills" is the ability and agility in body-movements used in sports and similar purposes. See the attached Related Link for some more detail.
Practice of fundamental skills.
and a period of time
Having the right skills to use in sports to be good at them.