For an elite male, 4:00 or faster; For an elite woman 4:30 or faster.
Yes it is a very good time. I'm 12 and run a 6:36 mile. Keep running and you will get better :)
yes this is a very good time. my mile time is five minutes and forty seconds. im 14 and im in the top of my school for running. that's very good.
If you mean a mile as in running then i would say around 5 to 6 minutes.
it is good for their body
Running has become a part of many people's regular exercise routine, including children. A good mile time for a 1st grade student should be at about ten minutes. A 12 year old boy can complete a 1 mile run in eight minutes.
Running 10k (6.2 miles) in sub 40 mins is typically referred to as a benchmark for a 'good' runner. So yes I would say it is a good time.
No not at all if you're running. I am 12 and I run a mile in 7:05.
That is a good mile time for a jh girl. My mile time is 5.58 and I'm going for 5.30 by the end of the summer! I've practiced for a month and I'll get better. I beat everyone by at least 15 seconds so...yes 6 minutes is good...keep running!
No, that's not very good. A 13 year old boy should be running 6:10 to 6:20. I'm almost 13 and have a 6:21 mile.
I would say anything under 11:00 is good for a freshman and anything under 10:20 you could be running with the upperclassman.
Usually around 6 min-okay 5:30 or lower is good sub 5 is optimal