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Q: How many joules does it take to kick a ball?
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What is the kick the goalie uses to move the ball up the field called?

The kick which the goalie uses to move the ball up the field while in play is called a punt.The kick which the goalie uses to move the ball up the field while out of play is generally a goal kick, however a goalie may sometimes take a free-kick.

How is summation of forces used in kicking a ball in NRL?

you kick with your designated foot and take a couple of steps back and kick with the inside of your foot just below the centre of the ball

How do take a free kick like Cristiano Ronaldo?

To take a free kick like Ronaldo the ball must be absolutely still, you must then concentrate and look for a opening in the wall, the kick will have to be a strong one with the tip of the toes. remember that if you kick wit6h the front part of your toes the ball will go over the goalpost harmlesley

If a punter can kick a ball with an initial velocity of 48 feet per second how many seconds will it take the ball to reach 32 feet?

If you assume that the punter is in space, where there is no gravity nor air resistance, it will take 2/3 second.

What are the rules or Norwegian kick ball?

u kick each other in the face and everytime u score u take ur clothes off

How do you take goal kicks?

You take goal kicks by, pointing your foot down and aim to where you want the ball to go; then kick!

How do you take free kicks?

The ball has to be standing still. the wall should not come forward, you should kick the ball and try to put it in the corner of the net.

How do you take a corner kick?

If someone on the goalie's team kicks the ball on the goalie's line, the other team gets to take a corner kick on them. You go to the corner flag left or right of the opponent's goal and take a kick. Players (defense and offense) try to either block or shoot a goal.

A kick after the defence knocks the ball out of their own end?


How do you kick a soccer ball?

With your leg make a kicking motion toward the ball... don't kick it with your toe... but kick with the side of your foot. where ever your toe points after you kick should be where the ball travels no wrong you kick it with the inside of the side of your cleat and if your shooting at the goal you kick it with the laces on your shoes that where you kick it with

How do you take a free kick?

The ball has to be still, then you wait for the referee to blow the whistle, you should then aim for the ball to find a gap between the wall, and it should dip in the net.