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much farther because you would gain more power

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Q: How far would a football go if you took 1 2 or 3 steps back before throwing?
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a picture or video would be good for the audience, and if you know how to spiral the ball, demonstrate.

How many steps does it take to walk a football field?

To walk the length of a football field, which is typically 100 yards or 300 feet, the number of steps will vary based on an individual's stride length. On average, a person's stride length is about 2.5 feet. Therefore, it would take approximately 120 steps (300 feet divided by 2.5 feet per step) to walk the length of a football field.

Would roman soldiers use the ballista?

Of course they would. A ballista is a weapon for throwing large stones. It was invaluable in a siege.Of course they would. A ballista is a weapon for throwing large stones. It was invaluable in a siege.Of course they would. A ballista is a weapon for throwing large stones. It was invaluable in a siege.Of course they would. A ballista is a weapon for throwing large stones. It was invaluable in a siege.Of course they would. A ballista is a weapon for throwing large stones. It was invaluable in a siege.Of course they would. A ballista is a weapon for throwing large stones. It was invaluable in a siege.Of course they would. A ballista is a weapon for throwing large stones. It was invaluable in a siege.Of course they would. A ballista is a weapon for throwing large stones. It was invaluable in a siege.Of course they would. A ballista is a weapon for throwing large stones. It was invaluable in a siege.

How is throwing a football mechanical energy?

First of all it's kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is when something is in motion. The football would be in motion when it is in the air. It would also have potential energy. Potential energy is when an item is about to have kinetic energy, or when your about to throw the ball. -I'm 12 years old. If whoever posted this question is older than me, that's weird. Email me at if you have any questions.

Why does a body with cancer turn green?

It would turn green if you were about throwing up. It would turn green if you were about throwing up.

Does the size of a planet effect your throwing ability?

YES! the size of the planet does effect your throwing ability! If you get each planets' gravity number then you will notice that the smaller the planet the less gravity force/attraction it will have. If you go to Jupiter and throw a football the gravity will pull down on the football faster and make your throw much shorter than it would on Earth because Jupiter has a bigger gravity number then Earth.

What is the antonym of abruptly?

One would be "gradually". ABRUPTLY means to occur suddenly, unexpectedly, without warning, or in one complete action without intermediate steps. Example : "The boat turned abruptly, throwing him overboard."

What is an antonym for abruptly?

One would be "gradually". ABRUPTLY means to occur suddenly, unexpectedly, without warning, or in one complete action without intermediate steps. Example : "The boat turned abruptly, throwing him overboard."

Which sport was originated first hockey or flag football?

As Flag Football is a variation of American Football and this began in the Mid 19th Century and Flag Football would have come sometime after that, I would think that Hockey did come before Flag Football as Hockey has its origins in ancient times, but the modern form of field hockey was developed in the early 19th century.