You generate power through your rotation. Discus athletes spin around twice to build up speed and then release their momentum for added speed.
To generate power when throwing the discus, athletes need to use their entire body in a coordinated manner. This involves a strong and explosive lower body drive from the legs, a rapid rotation of the hips, and a powerful extension of the arm as the discus is released. Proper timing and technique are essential to maximizing power in the throw.
Generating power in discus throwing involves rotating the body while transferring weight from the back foot to the front foot in a smooth and coordinated motion. This generates torque which is then transferred through the arms and into the discus upon release. Additionally, the athlete must engage core muscles, legs, and shoulder muscles to create power in the throw.
throwing a discus?
Believe it or not, it is called discus throwing.
shot hammer discus Javelin
Not throwing shoes but maby running shoes.
Javlins, spears, balls, discus,
There are many steps and it depends on how you want to throw the discus, it can be thrown as a power throw (the front of the ring) a south African (not a real way of throwing but can be used during practice to better technique), and a full spin. Had i had more time i would break it down.
The discus cage is a fence or net wall that is set up behind the throwing circle. The cage protects bystanders from being hit by a stray discus.