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Q: Witch planet has 21 years of winter and summer?
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Which planet experiences 42 earth years of constant summer followed by 42 earth years of dark winter?

Uranus experiences 42 earth years of summer followed by 42 earth years of winter.

How many years are there between the summer and winter?

There are two years between the summer and winter games.

How many years are there between the summer and winter games?

There are two years between the summer and winter games.

Does the summer Olympics occur every 2 years?

Does the summer Olympics occur every 2 years?

Which years Olympics held in US?

1904 Summer, 1932 Summer, 1932 Winter, 1960 Winter, 1980 Winter, 1984 Summer, 2002 Winter.

How long between summer and winter Olympics?

The Winter Games are about 1½ years after the Summer Games; the Summer Games are about 2½ after the Winter Games.

Is the Olympics every 2 years or 4?

The summer and winter Olympics are both events that happen every 4 years how ever they do not happen on the same year so in the end there is an olympic event every 2 year per example1998 winter Olympics2000 summer Olympics2002 winter Olympics2004 summer Olympics

On which planet would your summer vacation last 21 years?

The planet with a summer that last for 21 years is Uranus. All of the seasons on the planet last for this amount of time.

Why is there no Summer Olympics in 2010?

because the summer Olympics come every 4 years and so do the winter Olympics. they alternate every 2 years. so this year is winter and in 2 years in summer

Where will 2009 winter Olympics be held?

The year 2009 will not have Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics. The Olympics only occur once every 2 years, and alternates Summer, Winter, Summer, Winter...

Why do they only have the olympic games every four years?

This is not true. The summer games happen every four years and so do the winter games. Example: Summer Games:2012 Winter Games: 2014 etc...

How often is the olymphics?

The winter Olympics are every four years as well as the summer Olympics. But every two years there will be either a winter Olympics or summer Olympics.