

Will the Olympics stop

Updated: 10/21/2022
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Q: Will the Olympics stop
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He says that he has stopped and that he will not be in the 2016 Olympic games. Sadly he is going to stop swimming in the Olympics when he is 30. He said at the winter Olympics that 2012 olympis will be his last Olympics because he will be 27, and he doesn't want to swim at the Olympics after he 30. :(

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i dno

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we did not compete naked but they did and we did not have to stop wars to be in them and women were not aloud to be in the greek Olympics or even see them

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stop asking me i dont know

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Ancient Greeks were very serious about the Olympics that even when they are in the middle of a war,they will actually stop what there doing and go and play in the Olympics!

What was the reason the ancient Olympics stop running?

because of the god

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bwcause its not a real sport

Why the Olympics should stop?

because people could get hurt ?

Why did the Olympics stop and why were they ressurected?

because the romans thought it was bad

What date did ancient Olympics stop?

The Olympics were last celebrated in AD 393, and abolished for being un-Christian the following year.