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Q: When did they stop using gold for gold medals in the Olympics?
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How many gold medals has south Korea won in the summer Olympics?

The former answer is FALSE. Nobody even got 184 medals in bejing olympic dammit. This is the right answer they got 31 MEDALS, NOT 184 MEDALS. this is the graph and stop making lies Gold Silver Bronze TOTAL 13 10 8 31

When the torch stop in ancient Olympics?

i dno

What date did ancient Olympics stop?

The Olympics were last celebrated in AD 393, and abolished for being un-Christian the following year.

Why did the Greeks agree every for you to stop fighting for any grief period?

The Greeks stopped fighting every four years for the Olympics because the Olympics honored the gods.

What made the Olympics stop for a really long time?

The Olympics have only been stopped three times. In 1916 becasue of WWI, and in 1940 and 1944, Becasue of WWII.

Related questions

How many gold medals has south Korea won in the summer Olympics?

The former answer is FALSE. Nobody even got 184 medals in bejing olympic dammit. This is the right answer they got 31 MEDALS, NOT 184 MEDALS. this is the graph and stop making lies Gold Silver Bronze TOTAL 13 10 8 31

Why did they stop making medals entirely out of gold in 1912?


Why did the Olympics game stop?

Because all of the events were over and all the medals were handed out....

Should GB stop athletes competing in undemocratic nations Why?

No. This would only cause conflict. The Olympics are a perfect example. The country with the most gold medals gets bragging rights for 2 years. (summer and winter interchange) To stop a country from holding it would only give them bragging rights and an understandably pissed off mood.

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Where is the fifth gym leader in heart gold?

stop using the computer and FIGURE IT OUT

Will the Olympics stop?


When is Michael Phelps going to stop swimming in the Olympics?

He says that he has stopped and that he will not be in the 2016 Olympic games. Sadly he is going to stop swimming in the Olympics when he is 30. He said at the winter Olympics that 2012 olympis will be his last Olympics because he will be 27, and he doesn't want to swim at the Olympics after he 30. :(

How does Canada prepare for the winter Olympics?

They prepare for the winter Olympics by non stop training

When the torch stop in ancient Olympics?

i dno

How were the Greek Olympics different from the modern day Olympics?

we did not compete naked but they did and we did not have to stop wars to be in them and women were not aloud to be in the greek Olympics or even see them

What year did the Olympics stop tug of war?