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because I'm a doddle hahahah :) :) :)

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Q: Why only few countries are playing football in Olympics?
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How many countries in the 2008 olyimics?

there is 205 countries in the Olympics there is 205 countries in the Olympics

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There are only three Clagary Flames players playing in the Olympics.

Is football in the Olympics?

because it is not popular enough and does not fit the requirements of the OlympicsNo, football is not in the olympics. Basketball,hockey and bobsled racing are in the olympics, but not football

Which countries competed in the Olympics?

Ancient Olympics were only open to different greek regions.

Is the Nigeria football team present at the 2012 Olympics?

No Nigeria did not enter a team for Football only Basketball

How are there 205 countries in the Olympics if there are only 196 countries in the world?

9 + 196 =205

In 1886 how many countries competed?

The first modern Olympics were held in 1896. Fourteen countries sent representatives to compete in this male only Olympics in Athens.

What countries do not have an Olympic team?

Football is played in virtually every country and territory. For example, there are thousands of football teams in England, but only two in Tristan da Cunha, and also only one in Svalbard. If the question refers to national teams, then Nauru and the Marshall Islands do not have national teams. Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia are in the process of creating a proper football infrastructure (including a national football team), and the latter has apparently applied for FIFA membership. Apart from the aforementioned countries, even the smallest of the small, and Monaco, have national football teams and their own football leagues. Except the Vatican city which is a religious city

Do all countries do all sports in the Olympics?

For all of the countries to do all the sports in the Olympics there has to be a certain amount of them in the team. However it is possible for a country to participate in all of the sports. Some of the countries this year only have a couple of players so no. All of the countries in the Olympics do not do all sports.

What is the problem to having football be an olympic sport?

Football is only played at an elite level in the United States. There would be no point in bringing it to the Olympics because it would not be a first, second, or even third choice sport in most countries. The only team that would win would be America and it would not be much of a competition.

Do they play football in haiti?

yes but they call soccer football so technically they are playing soccer

How many countries are participating in the 2006 Olympics? 80 Two parts to this answer: 1) There are no 2006 Olympics. There are only Winter Olympics this year. 2) 80 or 81 countries, depending on whether you separate the two Koreas or not.