1972 - Sapporo (XI Olympic Winter Games) 1998 - Nagano (XVIII Olympic Winter Games)
In 1998 the winter games were held in Japan. It was the second winter Olympics to be held in Japan.
1998 Winter Olympics were held in Japan.
The 1998 Winter Olympics were held in Nagano, which is located in Japan.
The winter Olympics have never been held in Australia.
Nagano, Japan, hosted the 1998 winter Olympics.
Japan has held the Winter Olympics twice, in 1972 (Sapporo) and 1998 (Nagano). In 1976, the Winter Games were held in Innsbruck, Austria and in 2002 the Winter Games were held in Salt Lake City, USA.
The 1940 Winter Olympics were not held due to World War II. They were originally scheduled to be held in Sapporo, Japan.
The 1940 Olympics were held in two cities of Japan. The summer Olympics were held in Tokyo while the winter Olympics were held in Sapporo.
Japan. The Winter Olympics have only ever been in one Asian country, Japan. That is until 2018 when Pyeongchang, South Korea hosts.
There were no Winter Olympics in 2009. The Olympics are only held on even numbered years. The last Winter Olympics took place in Turin, Italy in 2006. The 2010 Winter Olympics are currently being held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
* The 1964 Winter Olympics, were held in Innsbruck, Austria * The 1964 Summer Olympics, were held in Tokyo, Japan
The Winter Olympics have never been held in Africa.