Already did by four athletes. Wayne Gretzky, Steve Nash, Catriona LeMay-Doan, Steve Nash & Nancy Greene
The Olympic torch is lighted in Olympia (Greece) and travels to the place where the Olympic games occur in the current year.
In the 2010 opening ceremony in Vancouver, Wayne Gretzky lit the outside cauldron.
Wayne Gretzy Lit The Olympic Torch IN Vancouver
The flame on the cauldron is lit.
Wayne Gretzky
Wayne gretzky
Mohammad Ali
Chris Wilson
Muhammad Ali.
Wayne Gretzky carried the torch to light the outdoor cauldron in Vancouver
the ansewer to this question is in the Olympic games in 2012 the stadium had 32 torches to represent the 32 teams that entered and each one was lit In the opening ceremony that is the Olympic cauldron
At the 1952 Oslo Olympics, Eigil Nansen lit the first-ever Winter Olympics cauldron.