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The flame on the cauldron is lit.

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Q: How does every Olympic games start?
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What summer in the Olympics did fencing start?

Fencing has been contested at every Modern Olympic Games starting with the 1896 Games in Athens.

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Swimming has been held at every Olympic games since 1896. Open water swimming was added in the 2008 Olympics.

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Olympic games started in Olympia, Greece and they were held every four years. First Olympic game was recorded in 776 BC.

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The olympic games were started up again in 1896 and it was called the 1st modern Olympiad since it is held every four years.

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The winter olympic games started Feb the 12

Did Zeus start the Olympic Games?

No, but the ancient Olympic Games were held the sanctuary of Zeus.

Did the olympic games start in ancient Egypt?

No, the olympic games started in Ancient Greece

When did morden olympics start?

The first modern Olympics was held in 1896 after the International Olympic Committee, or IOC, voted to host the games every four years. The 1896 Olympic Games were held in Athens.

How do the Olympic games start each year?

Olympic flame lighting

On which year did the first Olympic start?

The first Olympic games were in Greece.

How do you unlock secret characters in Mario and sonic at the olympic games?

You start off with every character. There are no secret characters to unlock.