When somebody felt like swimming a race against somebody.THAT'S when.
swimming was first played in 1896 at the first modern Olympic games in Athens.
The first events in the modern Olympics were Athletics, Cycling, Fencing, Gymnastics, Shooting, Swimming, Tennis, Weightlifting and Wrestling.
It was in Japan.
Women were allowed to complete in Olympic swimming starting in 1912. That year, the Australian swimmer Fanny Durack, became the first female to win olympic gold in 100-yard freestyle swimming.
It was first held on 1972.
1924 :) your welcome ;)
The Volvo race was initially held in 1972. However, it was not initially know as such. It was first called the "Whitebread 'Round the World Yacht Race."
It was held in circuit de la sarthe and the first race was at 1933
1924 :) your welcome ;)
The first practical automobile was invented and built by Karl Benz in 1885. It only took a couple of years for the first race to be held. In 1887 the first organized car race was held in in Paris, France but only one car showed up for the race. The first real race with more than one car was held in France in 1889.
The first race was held in May, 1875. See link: