high jump, long jump, pole vault, shot put, discus, javelin, 100m, 110m HH, 400m, 1500m
Running, wrestling, boxing, javelin, discus.
Running, boxing, wrestling, discus, javelin.
The Ancient Olympic Events are: Boxing Chariot Riding Riding Pankration Penathlon Discus Javelin Jump Running Wrestling
running,wrestling,and javelin throwing.
every sport part from running, discus, boxing, wrestling, shot put, javelin and long jump
Events in the Ancient Games that are in the Modern Games include: running events, boxing, wrestling, long jump, javelin, discus, and Equestrian events. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Olympic_Games
They did the Olympics and the Pentathlon, which is running, Greek wrestling, discus, javelin, and jumping.
discus and the javelin discus and the javelin
javelin, running, discus, boxing, wrestling
javelin swimming running 80m
The ancient Greek Olympic sports were mostly throwing events like javlin. They also had running and long jump and high jump.