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high jump, long jump, pole vault, shot put, discus, javelin, 100m, 110m HH, 400m, 1500m

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13y ago
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15y ago

The pentathlon included all those events.

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15y ago

Last years olympic games.

Thanks for asking Hope this helped a lot!!!!!!

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Q: Olympic contest with discus javelin long jump running and wrestling?
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Olympic sports that originated from ancient greece?

Running, wrestling, boxing, javelin, discus.

Which ancient Olympics contest included discus javelin long jump running and wrestling?


What are some Olympic events that have stayed the same since ancient Greece?

Running, boxing, wrestling, discus, javelin.

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The Ancient Olympic Events are: Boxing Chariot Riding Riding Pankration Penathlon Discus Javelin Jump Running Wrestling

Spartan women were trained in?

running,wrestling,and javelin throwing.

What Olympic Sports are held today but were not held in the ancient Olympics?

every sport part from running, discus, boxing, wrestling, shot put, javelin and long jump

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Events in the Ancient Games that are in the Modern Games include: running events, boxing, wrestling, long jump, javelin, discus, and Equestrian events. source:

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They did the Olympics and the Pentathlon, which is running, Greek wrestling, discus, javelin, and jumping.

What are some things ancient Greeks used that are still in use todays Olympics?

discus and the javelin discus and the javelin

What are some of the similarities with the moden Olympics?

javelin, running, discus, boxing, wrestling

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javelin swimming running 80m

List 5 event that were in the first ancient Olympic games?

The ancient Greek Olympic sports were mostly throwing events like javlin. They also had running and long jump and high jump.