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Q: When did shot put javelin discus running and wrestling stop being in the olympic games and give me a good answer?
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Olympic sports that originated from ancient greece?

Running, wrestling, boxing, javelin, discus.

What are some Olympic events that have stayed the same since ancient Greece?

Running, boxing, wrestling, discus, javelin.

What are some things ancient Greeks used that are still in use todays Olympics?

discus and the javelin discus and the javelin

What is the sport of an ancient Greece Olympic Games that involves throwing?

Discus, Javelin, Wrestling.

Which ancient Olympic sports are still in today's modern Olympics?

Events in the Ancient Games that are in the Modern Games include: running events, boxing, wrestling, long jump, javelin, discus, and Equestrian events. source:

What other events were introduced to the ancient olympic games?

The Ancient Olympic Events are: Boxing Chariot Riding Riding Pankration Penathlon Discus Javelin Jump Running Wrestling

What are some of the similarities with the moden Olympics?

javelin, running, discus, boxing, wrestling

What events make up the pentathlon?

I think the original question related to to original Olympic games, while question 1 address the pentathlon of the Moderen Era. I believe the pentathlon events of the original Olympiad in Greece included wrestling, javlin throw, discus throw, running, and the fifth I cannot recall at this time. The events of the Pentathlon in the ancient Olympics were: 1) a foot race that history has deemed to be approximately 150-200 meters 2) wrestling 3) long jump 4) javelin throw 5) discus throw

Who won these events in the ancient Olympics discus chariot racing pentathlon ( javelin discus running wrestling?

The best performers.

What Olympic Sports are held today but were not held in the ancient Olympics?

every sport part from running, discus, boxing, wrestling, shot put, javelin and long jump

Which ancient Olympics contest included discus javelin long jump running and wrestling?


What ancient games did the Greeks create that we still celebrate today?

They did the Olympics and the Pentathlon, which is running, Greek wrestling, discus, javelin, and jumping.