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Q: How many evevts were their in the first Olympics?
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How many men and how many women athletes were in the first Olympics?

There were no women in the first Olympics.

How many times has tanith belbin competed in the Olympics?

This is her first Olympics

How many years passed between the end Olympics and the beginning of modern Olympics?

the first winter Olympics were held on 1924 the first winter Olympics were in 1924 in chamonix,France

Who many countries attended the first winter Olympics?

Sixteen countries participated in the first Winter Olympics in 1924.

How many olympics has Missy Frankin been in?

The 2012 London Olympics is her first olympics. She has just turn 17:)

How many women competed in the first Winter Olympics in 1942?

There were no Winter Olympics in 1942.

How many times did Cheryl Bernard go to the Olympics?

2010 was her first time at the Olympics.

How many sports were there at the first winter Olympics?


How many compititions were in the first winter Olympics?


How many year have the modern Olympics have been held for?

In Greece, 1896, was when the first "modern" Olympics were held.

How many medals did Tom Daley get at his first Olympics?

Tom did not win a medal at the Beijing Olympics in 2008.

How many athletes were in the first modern Olympics?

69 mayyyun