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Thought to have existed at around 18000 BC. Much older than crossbows, which were invented 400 BC.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 9y ago

The first compound bow was created in 1966 in Missouri.

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What the violin bows made now?

They are made of wood. All the bows are made of a specific wood but of course it is different for different bows.

What kind of wood professional bows are made?

Good 'cello bows are made from a wood called pernambuco.

What were the first bows made of?

They were made out of wood.

What kind of wood are professional cello bows made of?

Good 'cello bows are made from a wood called pernambuco.

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What did a bowyer do?

He made bows for archery!

What are bows made of?

The bow is made from the hair from a horses tail.

Who made the bows and the arrows?

cro magon

Did the cahuilla Indians use weapons?

they used bows, arrows, traps, clubs and sticks.

What is a person made bows and arrows called?

a fletcher

What was so special about the bows and arrows made by the caddo Indians?

it was made out of bois d'arc wood, thatis one of the strongest woods, and the best for making bows and arrows

Where can a person find user reviews online for bows made by Mathews?

Reviews for bows made by Mathews can be found online at Amazon, Compound Bow Choice, Ebay and Hunter Magic. Mathews bows seem to get good reviews generally from these sources.