Unstring the bow carefully pry the string apart count the strands then place the peep in so you have half the strands on each side then put it bk on the bow draw it to check for position gently come dwn from full draw and serve it into place
If you haven't had a peep installed previously I am quite sure putting one in will affect your shot. Without the peep you were likely aiming by looking beside your string since you can't see through it. With the peep installed you will now be looking through your string. Bringing the string closer into your face will shift your arrow to the right. You will likely have to shift your sight/pins all to the right as well. Line your pin tips all directly above your arrow for a good starting place.
Recurve bows.
They are made of wood. All the bows are made of a specific wood but of course it is different for different bows.
There aren't many types of bows, however there are many custom made bows which highly differ from the standard modern bows. The most common types are Short Bows and Long Bows as well as Cross Bows. The strongest ones of course are Cross Bows, as these are powered automatically, whereas in the other two you have to physically pull the arrow.
The safety guideline for using bows that is unique to the crossbow is that both the rules for firearms and bows must be followed. Crossbows are much more dangerous than bows and just as dangerous as a firearm.
peep i guess
Savage 325c rear peep?
If you haven't had a peep installed previously I am quite sure putting one in will affect your shot. Without the peep you were likely aiming by looking beside your string since you can't see through it. With the peep installed you will now be looking through your string. Bringing the string closer into your face will shift your arrow to the right. You will likely have to shift your sight/pins all to the right as well. Line your pin tips all directly above your arrow for a good starting place.
Try using a little BoPeep knot.
Try e-gunsparts.com
Should be a Stevens rifle, but the peep sight would probably be aftermarket. If you can send a digital picture of the rifle and a closeup of the sight we can probably ID it for you. sales@countrygunsmith.net
They had a Small round knurled peep sight
Midway USA
Best left to a gunsmith