YES. At most High Schools it is a sport offered for girls and boys in the fall season and involves a large amount of physical and mental training. Possibly one of the most intense and painful sports but is EXTREMELY rewarding at the same time. It is the only sport that is not a game
Lacrosse has the most running in a single game alone. It is harder and in my opinion better. There is a lot of running, blocking, checking, etc.
Some call it obsessive compulsive. We call it Cross Country.Life is short... running makes it seem longer. -Baron HansenLife is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.The wind at your back, the sun in front of you, and your friends by your side. - Aaron Douglas TrimbleOur sport is your sport's punishment.Cross Country - All it takes is All you've got.Cross Country - Everything else is just a game.Cross Country - It's not how fast you run, but how long you run fast.Cross country - It's about where you're going and who you left behind.Cross Country - "We don't need wings to make us fly."Cross Country - The only sport where the spectators run too !Cross Country - Invented so water would taste good.
Cross country running, ping pong, football and swimming if you count his shrimp boat days.
running is the best sport because it used in baseball soccer football and many more
Parkour also known as free running.
the sport of long distance cross country running
Golf and Cross Country Running
Cross country running, paintballing, orienteering.
A sport that requires the ability to perform for long periods of time at low intensities, such as marathon ,running and cross-country
Trail Running is comparable with Cross Country Running. The one exception is that Trail Running is done on longer routes. Trail Running is running and hiking over trails. It is considered to be a running sport.
Not a very popular sport, not many people know what it is exactly. Many people mistake cross country for track- which is entirely different, with the exception that they are both running sports.
Kenya is best at long distance running, like track or cross country.
Hell no... I ran in high school and was popular and the homecoming king.
There are a few: camel racing curling canoeing canoe polo chess boxing cricket canyoning casting cycling croquet cockfighting cross country running cross country skiing XCbadger44
Womens football. The two fastest growing sports for men are lacrosse and cross country running.