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Golf and Cross Country Running

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Q: What sport wins when you have the lowest point?
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In which sport does the player with the lowest score win?

Golf is one Sport where the player with the lowest score wins. The player that hits the ball the least amount of time, and holes the ball has the better score.

What sports calculate winner with lowest score?

Golf is the only sport where lowest score wins

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What is the lowest point in Tajikstan

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In bowling does the highest score win or the lowest?

lowest score wins bowling

What is monaco's lowest point?

The seafront is Monaco's lowest point.

What is the lowest point in transverse wave?

the lowest point is the trough .:)

What is the lowest point of Guatemala?

what is the lowest point in guatemala? Easy!!! Lowest Point Of Guatemala: Pacific Ocean 0m YOUR WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The sump plug/oil plug is located at the lowest point of the sump at the bottom of engine.

What is the lowest point in ca?

The lowest point in California is Badwater Basin

Which fisherman holds the record for the most sport fishing competition wins?

Roland Martin holds the record for the most sport fishing competition wins.