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well first there is a 5 day entry stage for a race that u enter ur horse in, if u still want to run ur horse, there is then a 48 hour declaration stage where ur horse is declared for the race and in to run.

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Q: What is an entry in a horse race?
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Its a one horse race means that it is as easy as winning a race against your own self (horse).

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A horse races for purse money only under certain conditions where allowing betting would be unfair to the betting public. The most common reason is when one horse of an entry is scratched after betting opens for that race. In many racing jurisdictions, the other horse is allowed to run, but for purse money only. All money bet on the entry is refunded.

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1 Horse in a Race (1 Horse Race)

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"His horse was trained to race." is a simple sentence.

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no a horse i tranned to race fast yes.(: