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Q: How much of every dollar terry fox raised goes to the cancer resherch?
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When is Pink Ribbon day celebrated?

Pink Ribbon Day changes every year. It is held during cancer awareness month and all of the money raised is donated to helping find a cure for cancer.

What does the saying Dollar for Dollar mean?

For every dollar you spend, you are reimbursed a dollar?

Does every cat get cancer?


How many quarters does a dollar have?

There are 4 quarters for every dollar.

Is every one born with cancer?

No. There are carcinogens that can cause a person to develop cancer

Which cancer treatment is to eradicate every cancer cell in the body?

radiation therapy

Did amputee Terry Fox finish his run in 1980 across Canada to raise money for cancer research?

No. His 5,000-mile run across Canada was cut short when doctors found his cancer spread to his lungs. He died 10 months later. From his courageous trek, Terry Fox raised $1 dollar for every person alive in Canada in 1980.

Is every type of cancer danger?

only malignant type of cancer(which spreads)is danger.

Can cancer affect every tissue in the body?

Yes, anywhere in the body can be attacked by cancer.

Do you have to file state taxes in Arizona?

Yes. Arizona state income tax rates are as follows: Income $10,000 or less 2.59% on every dollar earned. Income $10,001-$25,000 2.88% on every dollar earned. Income $25,001-$50,000 3.36% on every dollar earned. Income $50,001-$150,000 4.24% on every dollar earned. Income $150,001 or more 4.45% on every dollar earned.

If you had a dollar for every dollar you had and you had one dollar but bought a 0.25 cent candy prior to the deal you just made how many dollars would you have?

Assuming that you did not get a cent for every cent you had, the answer is none.

Why cancer does not effect heart?

cancer affects every part of the human and animal anatomy! Fact!