Terry Fox supported every kid who suffured from cancer. As he did.
Yes, because he had cancer in his leg. But even with the cancer he ran a marathon across Canada, but before he could finnish the cancer spread to his lungs and he died.
Terry Fox Middle Name Was Terry:)
No, Terry Fox did not have a pet alligator.
Terry Fox was afraid of nothing really. :)
Terry Fox was a Canadian. Known as the inspiration of the Marathon of Hope, Terry Fox died from cancer.
We never finnished running the Terry Fox run we run ever year to support terry fox and the cancer that he had and ever cancer!:) David Was Here
Yes, because he had cancer in his leg. But even with the cancer he ran a marathon across Canada, but before he could finnish the cancer spread to his lungs and he died.
Terry Fox Middle Name Was Terry:)
Whatever Terry Fox knows
terry fox eve
Où est né Terry Fox? = Where was Terry Fox born?
nobody ran with terry fox! but he had people support him he did that mission to try to run across the world but he got cancer... yet he had faithful supports helping him out!! sadly he passed at a very young age..... :\
No, Terry Fox did not have a pet alligator.
Terry fox was a great runner
terrance"terry"stanley fox
Yes, Terry Fox was Canadian.
Terry Fox was afraid of nothing really. :)