terry fox is importent because he raised over 24 million dollars for helping cancer
Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and raised in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Terry was diagnosed with bone cancer and had his right leg amputated. He wanted to raise money for all cancer patients and did this by running 42 kilometres (26miles) a day across Canada. After 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 miles) he had to stop because the cancer spread into his lungs. He died on June 28, 1981. He was 22.
We still honor him today through the "Terry Fox Run" which is held across Canada and around the world every year.
Close to $500 million has been raised worldwide for cancer research in Terry's name.
Terry Fox is a hero because he ran across Canada to raise awareness and money for cancer research. He dedicated his life for the plight of others. So far his Foundation has raised over $500 million dollars for cancer research. There are Terry Fox Runs in over 37 countries around the world.
Terry Fox is a role model, because he wanted to raise money for cancer research by starting the marathon of hope. he decided to run across Canada while he was in the hospital, and how he saw all of the cancer patients that were suffering - especially the little children - so he decided to run across Canada for them. to date, over $400 million has been raised in terry's name during the annual terry fox run, also known as the marathon of hope.
In a land of many Nations and Cultures Terry did something that inspired all Canadians, something all Canadians, regardless of history, culture, religion or language agreed with.
That is a rare thing in a Confederation as diverse as Canada and anyone able to bring us together in such an inspirational manner is very much a Hero. Thank you Terry.
Terry Fox is a really important one to us, so is Tommy Douglas.
Terry Fox Middle Name Was Terry:)
No, Terry Fox did not have a pet alligator.
Terry Fox was afraid of nothing really. :)
Terry Fox was a Canadian. Known as the inspiration of the Marathon of Hope, Terry Fox died from cancer.
Terry Fox is considered our national hero, he died here in Canada.
terry is a hero who ran across Canada to raise money for cancer with a fake leg.
Terry fox is a hero because he ran a race with one leg.
Terry Fox is a really important one to us, so is Tommy Douglas.
Certainly Terry Fox is one! See 'related links' for more information.
Terry Fox Middle Name Was Terry:)
Whatever Terry Fox knows
terry fox eve
Où est né Terry Fox? = Where was Terry Fox born?
Terry Fox can describe in alot of adjectives. He is the world's hero. He did not give a way his dreams. He risked his own life and health to help us humans with cancer or disabilaties. He also was fantastic man.
No, Terry Fox did not have a pet alligator.
Terry fox was a great runner