whoever finishes the race first, WINS! the clock starts at the beginning of the race and as each racer finishes the race,whatever the distance, there time is marked by the time and position that they finished.
a marathon
because he was a teenager and the juggle did not want hem to go free. :)
Lacrosse has the most running in a single game alone. It is harder and in my opinion better. There is a lot of running, blocking, checking, etc.
A nice lightweight hat should do the trick. If you are in an important race, and you get too warm while wearing the hat, then just toss the hat (unless it is expensive or of great importance to you). Your ears should not get cold for the rest of the race.
it has been invented because a old man Walk So Slow Then HE Run
The correct sentence is: Are you running in the race for life next week? are and running = verbs
A steward.
a running race.
A Chariot race and a running race.
a very long running ace is a long race that is what they call it
The most well known Tour de France is a bicycle race, not a running race.
dogsled teams of 16 start out running in the race
You do a race by running the fastest or doing something the fastest.
It is the longest running professional spring running race in the world.
A beanbag race is a novelty race in which competitors must balance a beanbag on their heads while running.
In what city?