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you could probly get around 65 depending on the rider.

no because my stock 300ex wil beat one in a race and my 300 only does like 55

yea ok bcuz i have a 1999 warrior stock and my best freind has a 300ex stock where were riding a mile long fild and he couldn't even keep up with me i bet him by like 50 yards so dude y lie 4 real i will smoke ur 300ex anyday the truth is a stock warrior is slower than speed would be 50-55.about the same stock speed,maybe a little difference at the most.warrior is not a badass machine stock.

I know that a warrior can get up yo about 60-65 mph. i have been riding for years.

i own one myself, they can keep up with a lot of machines.No my buddy had one bone stock and like i said it will only do 55 tops . no faster.

What are you talking about? i clocked my 1989 warrior 350 and it does 68mph and it is stock everything!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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In a straight, open area, a 350 warrior is faster than a ttr 225.

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