Any two stroke 85 is faster than a ttr 125 because it has more torwue and is made for racing. a ttr is a trail bike and not made for speed
I have a cr 125 and yz 85 and it cud probally hit up to 75 in 6 th gear my cr 125 will hit about 85
nope. You problably could by doing some frame cutting .
well the crf 150 will go about 55-60 and the cr 85 is faster - anywhere from 75 - 95 mph.
Banshee 350
80 85 transmission oil buy at any bike shop
a cr 125 is a 2 stroke
the yz 85 is has a faster top speed: yz 85: 140km/h cr 85: 110km/h but the cr85 has a broader powerband. overall the yz is better though myself i ride a kx85
34.9 HP on a 2006 CR 125
Honda or husquy cr 125
Depends on the year but if they are both stock and the same age Yamaha's typicly go a little faster but if your racing rider skill is more important because they are basicly equal.
A stock CR 85 will run 60 - 63 mph