Track and Field is only like cross country in that they both involve running. While cross country involves a long, continuous run, usually off of any track, track and field involves many events that different athletes specialize in. Not all of these events involve running, such as the discus throw. The longest run in a high school track meet is two miles, all of which occurs on a track, whereas a high school cross county meet is five kilometers, or 3.1 miles.
The only sport relatively close would be track, and only because they are both running sports. Cross country meets are 3.1 miles across various terrain, whereas track takes place on, well, a track and consists of various long-distance, mid-distance, sprinting, and field events. None of which exceed 2 miles in length.
*As a side-note, never ask a cross country runner what event they run. It drives them crazy that their sport is constantly confused with track. There is only one event for cross country. (5k)
In a basic sense, the less you practice, the worse you will perform. This is especially prevalent in running sports, like Track & Field or Cross Country.
Kenya is best at long distance running, like track or cross country.
Cross Country. It incorporates running. I do cross country, but not track... in the track season I play softball! :) I think you should to XC if you can run at least 2 miles without getting tired!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a trick, NOTHING can replace running. NOTHING, cross-country would be best. I did cross-country first then did track to keep me in the running mood. Cross-country is a very good running sport, and is much more competitive. But sometimes you're better at sprinting than running distance, or sometimes you're better at distance than sprinting. Try it out and see if you like it!
There are multiple amounts of ways to relate track to math. You have to take into consideration the amount of meters you have to run and calculate the distance till complition. You also have to determine your splits and pace. Finally you can use math to help determine the speed in which you are running.
University of Oregon.
Hello?! Track and field is like the oldest sport in practically the whole world! It was what started the Olympics in the first place. If it wasn't for track and field, then there wouldn't be any Olympics!
At the University of North Carolina (UNC), top athletes and teams are indulging in Varsity sports like basketball, golf, cross country, fencing, soccer, swimming & diving, tennis and track & field. All of the above are open for men and women.
Track and Field is actually much more popular in Europe then in America. Much like soccer, the majority of the world enjoys viewing track over other sports such as football. Most of the world cups have been held in either a European country or a south American country.
Track and Field Facilities are areas just like any other in a stadium. These include restrooms, starting areas, bull pins, ect.
That depends ..... for high school girls (i know this cause i run cross country) i guess the average would be like 7:30 a mile. for guys, the average pace is like 6:30 a mile ... i think. I'm a girl so yeah.
Track and Field is actually much more popular in Europe then in America. Much like soccer, the majority of the world enjoys viewing track over other sports such as football. Most of the world cups have been held in either a European country or a south American country.