In 1980 Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) were standardized using a seventeen digit system. Prior to 1980 manufacturers used VINs unique to their own company.
If it has a 17 digit VIN, the tenth digit from the left is the year of manufacture.
The 10th digit is the year.
tenth digit of vin#
The 10th digit of the vin tells the year .
That actually decodes to a 2004 based on the tenth digit of the VIN. What info are you looking for?
The 6th digit indicates the year
The tenth digit in the 17 digit vin number will tell you what year it is.
uk/euro would be the 12th digit
The 10th digit of the 17 digit vin is the year of manufacture.
Can't say for sure, you are missing 1 digit in the vin number. The vin is 17 digits and there are only 16 here. Plus the 10th digit represents the year and that is a 0 in the vin you listed, but there is not a 0 in use for the year. Please check and update your vin number and I will be glad to check the year for you.
The year of all atv's is determined by the 10th digit of the VIN number. In this case the 10th digit is a W, therefore it is a 1998 year model.
The tenth digit in the vin identifies the year. The "t" in your vin identifies your bike as a 1996.