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Water skiing is a reasonably safe sport. Although it is only safe when you are using common sense and abiding by the lake, river and skiing rules such as: when you are in the water you need to put your hand up along with other passengers on the boat to signal to other drivers that there is a person in the water and thay need to be careful and stay away. If you are going fast and you stack the water skiis are designed to come off so as you don't break your legs no matter how tight the skiis are on. As I said it only gets dangerous when you or someone in the boat is drunk or tired and also you should never go skiing after a flood, storm or windy conditions because most often there will be logs, branches, rubbish and other objects in the water. Not only that but you can get hurt when hitting other objects such as a :sandbar, bank, rocks and trees. Overall you can not hurt yourself badely!

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Q: Can you hurt yourself badly while Water skiing?
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Nope. You don't need a dog.

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There aren't really a lot of similarities. I love doing both and they are completely different entities. Snow skiing you have boots that click into long slender skis on each foot and most people use poles to propel themselves forward. It it obviously done on snow. Jet skiing is a water sport and it is done on a engine propelled thing, a jet ski. There is a throttle and a key to start it. Most people wear life jackets while on them. If you were talking about water skiing instead of jet skiing, then that is also a water sport and no boots or anything is required. You normally just slip your feet in. You will start off in the water and will hold onto a rope attached to a boat and then the boat will take off and you need to focus on making it out of the water and get on your feet. The only similarities there is you are using long slender skis.

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No. The biggest difference is alpine skiing goes down the side of a mountain while cross country skiing is mainly on flat land that has a few small hills.

Why can you get sin burnt when skiing?

If you mean "sun" not "sin" then yes. You can get a pretty bad sun burn while skiing if its sunny outside.

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Anything from tenpin bowling to skiing

What is the origin of skiing?

Skiing originated in Norway, and it was used by the people there to get along quicker while hunting. It is also considered the worlds oldest sport.

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916.1, e002.6, e849.4

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