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No. The biggest difference is alpine skiing goes down the side of a mountain while cross country skiing is mainly on flat land that has a few small hills.

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Q: Is nordic skiing the same as cross country skiing?
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Is nordic downhill skiing?

No, nordic skiing is same as cross-country skiing.

What is the same as cross country skiing?

Crosscountry skiing, otherwise called Nordic skiing or XC skiing, is a colder time of year sport that includes skiing across significant distances over fluctuated landscape. Nordic skiing is the name given to it because it was first practiced in Scandinavia and other Nordic countries during the winter as a means of transportation. Crosscountry skiing varies from downhill skiing in that it includes skiing on compliment territory, and the skis are longer and more slender, permitting the skier to skim over the snow as opposed to cut turns. It is a popular winter exercise and endurance sport that is enjoyed by both recreational and competitive skiers.

Is nordic skiing more dangerous than alpine skiing?

It really depends on whether your talking about in the Olympics or referring to Nordic skiing as cross country skiing. Nordic events Ski jumping: is quite dangerous, but due to the steepness of the landing area, is not as dangerous as you might think. Cross country skiing: carries very little dangers. Combined event: carries the same dangers above. Alpine events such as the slalom, downhill event, super giant slalom ect...... Often feature high speed crashes, this is very likely to injure any skier, so i would say that alpine skiing is more dangerous.

Is cross country skiing the same as skiing?

No cross-country skiing and skiing are two completely different things. They require different equipment. There are "slope" skis which most people are used to that attach to your foot and boot completely. The cross country skis have your heel loose to make it easier to propel yourself forward. Skiing is done on a slope or mountain and cross country isn't necessarily on a hill. They go across all sorts of terrain.

Why do all the Scandinavian country's have the same cross on their flag?

The Scandinavian cross on the flags is a symbol of Christianity, which was a major influence in the region's history. It is believed that the cross design originated from older Nordic pagan symbols and was later incorporated into Christian iconography. The cross design is a unifying symbol for the region's shared cultural heritage and history.

Is freestyle skiing the same as ski cross?

No, ski cross is where you race against other skiers at the same time. Freestyle skiing is where skiers to jumps and tricks.

What does skiing mean in gay lingo?

'Skiing' is a term used to describe the sexual position where a boy (or a girl) gets between two guys, while facing in the same direction, and jerks them both off, thus imitating cross-country skiing.

Does the first person to cross the finish line win in cross country skiing?

If all skiers started as the same time: Yes. When skiers start one at a time it is the one that has the shortest time that wins.

Is freestyle skiing the same as mogul skiing?

You might be thinking of professional skiing. As in the Olympics, Freestyle skiing is a discipline which contains a: Mogul event Areial event Ski-cross event So really, mogul skiing is a type of freestyle skiing.

How many sports in the Winter Olympics 2010?

The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics will feature 15 events: Alpine skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh, cross-country skiing, curling, figure skating, freestyle skiing, ice hockey, luge, nordic combined, short track speed skating, skeleton, ski jumping, snowboarding and speed skating. There are 86 Gold medals which will be split over the 15 sports mentioned above.

Is Finland a nordic country is so why?

Yes, Finland is a part of Scandinavia (nordic country). The requirements for nordic countries: - Flags (all of them has a cross) - History (these countries go back a long time) - High living standard - Languages (these languages have formed and effected eachother) - Geographical position (All of the countries reach over the Arctic Circular) - Climate (temperatures and natural events are almost the same) - Religion (Christianity is a common thing) - Ocean (all of the countries are on the same ocean) - Education (high education everywhere) - Culture - Social security - Democracy - Safety - Equality (between males and females ect...) I hope this was enough...

What are the different types of bindings for downhill skiing?

There are different types of binding for different types of skiing. Alpine ski binding fasten the boot to the ski at the heel and tow and allows the boot to release during falls. There are three Nordic binding systems for cross country skiing. Cross country skies usually slide a bar in the shoe into a catch.