i love eating bums
petition is a request to hear an appeal
I belive ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YES!!!!
Take immediate cover, assume MOPP 4 or directed MOPP, defend yourself/postion, and report acticvity
cease firing when you do not hear enemy fire
one hour
You hear these terms in volleyball. An ace is when you sserve the ball and you immediately win the point I think and a dig is a way you can hit the ball. Not sure what "kills" are though.
Aces are serves that are dropped and have been touched 1 or less times. As soon as the ball is hit a second time, it is no longer an ace. Kills are hits that the other team can not return regardless of their speed or direction. Digs are when the ball is hit over the net- regardless of how it is hit, if it is hard then this applies- and someone gets the ball up high(with a pass or a set) enough for the setter to set it to a hitter.
The sport you will hear it in cricket
In Lawn Tennis.
Skate boarding
Ping pong. Or Tennis, if you're into that sort of thing.
Kim by Eminem
The typical sport that uses the term, "deuce", is Tennis or Table Tennis.